Weight lifted

I woke up this morning feeling lighter. I often have this feeling when I stay in my calories and avoid a binge the previous day…but it was more than that. I felt emotionally lighter. I’ve been down in the dumps for a while now.  My weight literally and figuratively weighs me down. I spend a lot of my day talking very negatively to myself. And last night I had my first meeting in what I would call a support group at my gym. It’s for people who have more than 100 lbs to lose, as I mentioned yesterday and I was so nervous at first, but once the meeting started I felt very much like I was in the right place. The group meets Monday- Wednesday- Friday. We work out on Wed and Fri but just weigh in and talk on Mondays. I am going to try to make it to the gym one other day – over the weekend – to work out or do a class. I am looking forward to this journey. 
And today we had a snow day! It’s beautiful snow, too! So we thought we’d take Henry out to play in it. 

Let’s just say, he was not a fan.  


It won’t let me delete that K. I don’t know what it is for. Lol! 

Anyway, Enjoy your Tuesday! 


Beth WA


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3 Responses to Weight lifted

  1. Angie says:

    It’s a K for he ok and your ok.
    As Aunt Sheila says your HAPPY,HEALTHY AND TERRIFIC . Love Ya Aunt Angie
    P.s I say it too😀

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